
Nyasha's unique background and extensive business experience, featured in Forbes, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, and Grazia magazine, bring a distinctive edge to her speeches. She captivates audiences, from aspiring entrepreneurs to seasoned experts, with a wealth of insights and diverse perspectives. Her transformative ideas and fresh questions and answers around diversity, equity and inclusion make her a sought-after global performer and speaker, adapting her message to engage and resonate with any audience, from Fortune 500 executives, academics, healthcare professionals to diplomatic leaders and beyond.

Women Who Make Moves In Sports Summit

Keynote at Viva Tech - Europes Largest Tech Conference


How to elevate from DEI 1.0 to DEI 2.0

Harvard Commencement Speech

Diversity: It Starts With You

World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland

Executive Education Session South Africa

Keynote Topics

  • Her most famous talk, unpacks what she has termed ‘The 3 D’s of DEI’ essential for creating an effective DEI framework for any organization, in any industry. The current global climate calls for more diversity and inclusion, not only in the corporate sector, but in every professional field. Nyasha speaks on the subject taking a new approach to go from DEI 1.0 to DEI 2.0.

  • This talk addresses the global state of gender equity, whats working, what is not, why and how to address it.

  • A forward-thinking approach to the business case for DEI and stakeholder engagement.

  • How AI has and will continue to play a role in DEI and what organizations need do to now to be set up for success.

  • A keynote addressing the evolving health equity (and DEI) in healthcare. The talk covers lessons that can be learned from recent history, providing applicable next steps for more inclusive patient and clinical team member inclusion.

  • An autobiographic based talk/master class on the art of reinvention and how to brand yourself for today and the future.

  • Africa is not only the future but is today, this talk unpacks data, what has not worked and how to invest and operate in African markets effectively.